zoning and land use

Borough of Avalon, Allegheny County

Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance

Strategic Solutions coordinated a planning process deeply rooted in outreach.  The Strategic team facilitated nearly 10 meetings with Borough staff, the community’s Development Task Force, the Tri-Borough Joint Planning Commission, and Borough Council to create a continuous loop of information and feedback as the Borough’s very first Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance was created and adopted.

Recognizing that this Ordinance would mark the first time the Borough would enact and enforce its own Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, Strategic Solutions developed helpful guidance documents for Borough staff, including detailed application process flow charts, review checklists, and permit applications to create an easy-to-use process for both applicants and Borough officials.


Facilitate transparent, interactive, and informative planning sessions with Borough Council to develop the community’s first SALDO.

Our work

Draft Avalon’s first Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance and lead the adoption process for the community.

our Impact

Fully drafted and adopted Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, with corresponding development application and review process documentation.