Organizational and Financial Assessment
The Town of McCandless, Pine Township, and Marshall Township engaged Strategic Solutions to complete an Organizational Assessment of the communities’ Emergency Medical Services provider – McCandless-Franklin Park Ambulance Authority – to aid in their future decision-making and investment in the Authority.
Through the assessment, the Strategic team identified critical operational deficiencies that could be classified into seven overarching categories. To assist the municipalities and the Authority in responding to those critical deficiencies, Strategic Solutions outlined 72 recommendations to guide the communities, as well as MFPAA itself, moving forward.
Meetings with Authority leadership and Municipal Managers, staff survey, best practices review, evaluation of governance structure, and development of action plan.
Our Work
Conduct an organizational assessment and financial analysis of MFPAA’s operations to aid in future decision-making and investment in the Authority by its partner municipalities.
OUr impact
Detailed operational and financial assessment outlining critical deficiencies and providing more than 70 prioritized and implementable recommendations for operational improvements